Sylvain Rifflet solo

Origin: France

A solo blown by the sound of a saxophone suspended around a fascinating drone.


Sylvain Rifflet, saxophone, shruti box

Sylvain Rifflet solo

About us

In the langue d'oc, Trobador means 'finder', a creator, composer and performer of poetry and music. Sylvain Rifflet is a worthy descendant of those twelfth-century troubadours whose portrait his latest quartet paints: from project to project, he finds new ways of combining and making the word jazz resonate. By taking an interest in monodic medieval music, accompanied at the time by a drone, he has adopted a shruti-box, an Indian instrument with free reeds and a bellows. Alone on stage, he confronts the wonderful muffled, airy sound of his saxophone with this fascinating drone, around the first musical poems of love and a few jazz standards.