Paolo Fresu - Omar Sosa

Origin: Italie / Cuba

One of the most beautiful duos of contemporary jazz: the Italian trumpeter Paolo Fresu and the Cuban pianist Omar Sosa


Paolo Fresu, trumpet - Omar Sosa, piano


New album in May 2023


Paolo Fresu - Omar Sosa

About us

Two unique and distinctive musical voices combine traditional and progressive musical elements from Italy and Cuba. Both are master musicians with illustrious careers, expanding musical boundaries and exploring new cultures.


Winner of a wide array of awards, professor, and director of various Italian and international institutions, Paolo Fresu has performed around the world with the most important names of Afro-American music over the past 30 years. He has participated in nearly 300 recordings, some as a leader, others as a sideman, and still other projects mixing ethnic, jazz, world music, contemporary, and ancient musics. Mr. Fresu is artistic director of the Berchidda Festival Time In Jazz, Bergamo Jazz, and the Jazz Seminars in Nuoro

(Sardinia). He is also involved in the production of numerous multimedia projects, cooperating with actors, dancers, painters, sculptors, and poets, as well as writing music for film, documentary, video, ballet, and theater pieces. Mr. Fresu lives between Paris, Bologna and Sardinia. His unique trumpet sound is recognized as one of the most distinctive in the contemporary jazz scene.


Three-time GRAMMY-nominated Cuban composer and pianist Omar Sosa's musical trajectory has taken him from Camagüey and Havana to touring in Angola, the Congo, Ethiopia, and Nicaragua in the 1980s; to a sojourn in the African-descent communities of Ecuador in the early 1990s; to an extended presence on the San Francisco Bay Area Latin jazz scene; to his current engagement with artists from Spain, France, Brazil, Cuba, the United States, and several North, West, and East African nations. His career embodies the expansive outlook of a visionary artist who has taken Monk's uncompromising spirit to heart, while working ceaselessly to craft and project a unique, cosmopolitan voice. Mr. Sosa's current CD release, ILE, offers contemporary interpretations of some of the classic Cuban musical styles the world has come to admire. It features flamenco vocals on several tracks.
